Questions to ask your surgeon

Before undergoing any surgery, it is important to be confident that you have chosen the right surgeon and are as fully informed as possible about your planned procedure. 

It is often helpful to write down any questions that you may wish to ask your surgeon and bring them along to the consultation. Taking notes during the consultation can also be helpful.

Some questions that you may wish to ask your surgeon include:

  1. What are your qualifications?
  2. Do you perform the procedure on a regular basis?
  3. Is this procedure appropriate for me?
  4. What are the risks/complications of the procedure? How will you manage these?
  5. Where will the surgery be performed?
  6. Will I need to take time off work? How long?
  7. Will there be any visible scarring following the surgery? 
  8. What aftercare will be provided following my surgery?
  9. Are there any alternative options to surgery?
  10. What are the costs and will any of these be covered by Medicare?